Name of Hotel: Hotel Shoikot.
Address of Hotel Shoikot: Kuakata P/A, Kolapara, Patuakhali, Bangladesh.
Phone Number: +88 01856699911.
List of room types and prices of Hotel Shoikot:
Room Type | Room Rent (BDT) |
Double Delux | Tk. 1500/- |
Double Economy | Tk. 1000/- |
* 15% Service Charge will be added.
* Price may vary depending on different factors.
For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email at: or phone. @ +88 01856699911.
How far is hotel shoikot from kuakata beach???
It is very near to beach….
Hotel Shoikot not more than 200 mtrs from beach. near by main beach.
I am wondering if you know if it is possible to go Kuakata (Patuakhali) by launch this upcoming weekend (mother language day). Preferably leaving Dhaka on Wed 20th and returning on Sat 23rd.
Or are all cabins fully booked?