Kuakata Ecological Park or Kuakata Eco Park is located about 2.5 kilometer east of the zero point of Kuakata. The area of the Eco Park is about 13,984 hectors. Coastal Forest Department in Patuakhali has constructed the Eco Park.
The Eco Park is situated on the areas of Gangamati, Latachaplee, Khajura, Fatrar chor and Tengragiri in Kuakata sea beach. The Eco Park is surrounded by mangrove and non-mangrove forest.

Kuakata Eco Park Gate

Lake of Kuakata Eco Park
There are many types of trees and plants in this park and it is the safe nesting of birds. About 42000 plants are found in this park. There are two watch towers, five picnic sheds, a wooden bridge, culverts, internal walkways for the travelers. There is a nice looking Lake inside the park area and two coasts of this lake are connected with a bridge. Visitor can take a ride on a paddle boat at this lake.

Tree at Kuakata Eco Park
Some portion of this park was damaged by Hurricane Cidr and Aila. But the Government and park authority will take the necessary steps to rebuild the infrastructure of this Ecopark very soon.
The Eco Park is the important tourist spots for the Kuakata sea beach visitors. Traveler will get the full natural beauties by visiting this Eco Park.
More info/Contact
For Hotel Booking you can contact with us via email at: info@kuakatatours.com